Nutritional Supplements

The Herb and Supplement Index by Interflyer

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Name flaxseed oil


Scientific Name Linum usitatissimum

Description A member of the flax family, flaxseed is one of the world's older cultivated plants, grown for it's fiber (linen), seed oil (linseed oil) and seeds which have been used in pharmacy for centuries. Use in Egypt dates as far back as the 23rd century B.C. Greeks of the 7th century B.C. ate roasted seeds. Flaxseeds are a potent source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) which are fats and oils critical for health which the body cannot make on it's own. EFAs work throughout the body to protect cell membranes.

Uses Flax may be used in all pulmonary infections, especially in bronchitis with much catarrh formed. It is often used as a poultice in pleurisy and other pulonary conditions. As a poultice it can be used for boils and carbuncles, shingles and psoriasis. As a purgative it relieves constipation. In modern phytomedicine the seeds are used as a mild lubricating laxative and to relieve irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis,gastritis and enteritis. Flaxseed is also used to correct problems caused from abuse of stimulant laxatives. Because flaxseeds contain plant-based estrogens (phytoestrogens) that mimic the female sex hormone estrogen, the oil can have beneficial effects on the menstrual cycle, balancing the ratio of estrogen to progestrerone. It helps improve the uterine function and can therefore treat fertility problems.


Possible Side Effects

REMINDER If you have a medical condition such as a heart condition, high blood pressure, palpatations, high blood sugar or other medical conditions talk to your doctor before taking supplements.
